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Financial Processes.

Finance Engineering, Financial Accounting and IT Integration.

Regulatory Compliance Forms and Reports and Financial Accounting according to SBS, BCRP, SUNAT, SMV and CMF regulators.
Integration to Financial networks and Channels. Switch for VISA and Mastercard networks.
Money Desk Trading and Investment Fund Management.
Core Financial System for Commercial Banking processes: Customers, Guarantees, Lines of Credit, Loans, Leasing, Bill Discount, Savings Accounts

Base Building Blocks
for financial processes

Process Improvements


Management of Mutual Funds and Investments in a single secure and scalable platform.


Financial Operations Applications specially adapted for Commercial Banking.


Translations of Accounting Accounts between Core Banking Systems of Headquarters and Subsidiaries.


Solid Support for Regulatory Compliance of Reporting for our Clients Financial Institutions.


Integrations with New Purchase Channels and Money Gateways with Chip Credit, Debit and Prepaid Cards.

Computing Capabilities


Dynamics of Accounting Transactions


Accounting accounts
configured to model financial events
required by regulatory entities
of financial institutions


Integrated Regulatory Entities


Financial products


Message translations
ISO 8583


Supported POS Message Types


Family & Class of
financial instruments


Regulatory Adherence System

Automation of the preparation and delivery of regulatory reports: Financial Operations, Accounting, Credit Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk.

It has functional Add-ons for: Calculation of Provisions, Administration of Guarantees, Accounting for Loans in different states according to the regulator, Qualification and Typification of Clients, Control of Limits and based on Financial Statements and Operations with Clients.
Facilitates integration with various financial systems by defining trays for capturing and processing operations and accounting.
Certified system to operate concurrent OnCloud or OnPremise.
Parametric and automatic generation of files to be sent to regulators.
“Excel Like” User Interfaces suitable for accounting-financial modeling on portfolios, transactions and postings.
Facilitate generation, preparation, deliveries through workflows and report statuses.
Management of various time periods for correct financial accounting processing.
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Debit Card Transactions and Fund Transfers

Captures, Transforms, Processes, Responds to messages from various third-party networks and proprietary channels including ATM, POS networks and eCommerce.

It integrates sophisticated transactional security elements such as POS, Pin Pads, HSM and security through Tokenization.
It has a business rules engine supporting various transactional flows, validations, conversions, pair-value tables, and message formats.
Communications and processing scheme with other institutions in free or particular formats such as ISO8583, FIX, JSON and Free Format.
It allows integration with various applications and programming languages: C, JAVA, C++, C#.Net, NodeJS and Golang.
System available to operate OnClod or OnPremise.
Integration with various Core Financial systems.
Available for Linux, Windows and Unix Systems and SQL Server Database, Oracle, PosTgre SQL Database, NuoDb among others.
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Money, Investments and Treasury Desk

Support integrated management of Investment Portfolio in Local and International Financial Instruments including: Fixed Income, Variable Income, Money Market, Foreign Exchange Operations and Instruments.

Automatic Market Valuation.
It has limits for risk control.
Daily Portfolio Accrual.
Automatic Accounting of various portfolio operations.
Calculation of Profitability of Mutual and Private Funds
Comprehensive Support for Participes OnBoarding
Prepared to operate OnClod or OnPremise.
Parametric and automatic generation of reports and files for Regulatory entities.
Enriched User Interfaces with modeling and navigation for the execution of fast and secure financial transactions.
Enriched User Interfaces with modeling and navigation for the execution of fast and secure financial transactions.
Management of various time periods for correct financial accounting processing.
Integration with Price Providers in real time.
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Boutique Banking

Financial Core that computerizes Transactional Processes typical of Commercial Banking

Lines of Credit defined by client supported by different types of guarantees.
Processing of Credit Portfolios in accordance with the different stages established by regulation.
Facilitate joint and concurrent processing workflows and state control in transactions.
Transactional Integration with Treasury.
Highly flexible collection process integrated into local financial networks.
Management of financial and non-financial income in accordance with NIIF.
Integration to OnBoarding of Clients and Origination of Operations.
Prepared to operate OnClod or OnPremise.
Enriched User Interfaces with modeling and navigation for the execution of fast and secure financial transactions.
Management of various time periods for correct financial accounting processing.
Calculation Engine for Accounting Dynamics and Financial Calculation.
Integration with Fixed Assets for the Financing of Assets.
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